Thursday, July 30, 2009


(Applicable only to Teaching Faculties in Technical Institutions)
Special Regulations for P.G. Programmes through Modular Based Credit Banking Scheme effective from the academic year 2008- 2009.
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:
i. "Programme" means Post Graduate Degree Programme M.E. (Structural Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Power Systems Engineering, Embedded System Technologies, Applied Electronics, Communication Systems, Computer Science and Engineering, Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Operation Research and Aeronautical Engineering) through Modular Based Credit Banking scheme.
ii. "Specialization" means the discipline of the Post Graduate Degree Programme.
iii. "Course" means a Theory or Practical subject that is normally offered in a semester like Structural Dynamics, Pervasive Computing, Information Security etc.
iv. "Coordinator" means the senior faculty nominated by the authorities of
ANNA UNIVERSITY TIRUCHIRAPPALLI to monitor and implement the
programme offered through Modular Based Credit Banking scheme.
v. "Course Coordinator" means the senior faculty nominated by the
authorities of ANNA UNIVERSITY TIRUCHIRAPPALLI to organize and
monitor the progress of the courses offered and to be the default member of the class committee.
M.E. Programmes through Modular Based Credit Banking Scheme for a minimum duration of 3 years (6-semesters)
• M.E. (Structural Engineering)
• M.E. (Thermal Engineering)
• M.E. (Power Systems Engineering)
• M.E. (Embedded System Technologies)
• M.E. (Applied Electronics)
• M.E. (Communication Systems)
• M.E. (Computer Science and Engineering)
• M.E. (Software Engineering)
• M.E. (Systems Engineering and Operations Research)
• M.E. (Aeronautical Engineering)
The candidates selected for the M.E. Programme under the credit-banking scheme shall credit the courses through
• Faculty Development Programme (FDP)
In this mode of study, the candidates are required to attend classes, offered through FDP as per the academic schedule prepared by the Coordinator of this programme in consultation with the Course Coordinators.
The instructions and contents for all courses will be provided in CDs to the candidates periodically and also made available in the Web.
2.3.1 Candidates for admission to the first semester of the M.E. programme through Modular Based Credit Banking Scheme shall be required to have passed an appropriate Degree Examination of Anna University as specified in Table-1 or any other examination of any recognized University or authority accepted by the Syndicate of Anna University Tiruchirappalli as equivalent thereto. In addition to that (as per the special regulations) candidates for admission shall be teachers working in any of the recognized
Technical Institution of Tamil Nadu with a minimum of one year teaching experience. The selection for admission to this programme is based on the percentage of marks / grade point average scored and the number of years of teaching experience. The enrollment to this programme ceases automatically if the candidate quits the teaching job from the Technical Institution.
2.3.2 However, the Syndicate of the University may decide to restrict admission in any particular year to candidates having a subset of qualifications prescribed in Table -1.
2.3.3 Not withstanding the qualifying examination the candidate might have passed, he / she shall have a minimum level of proficiency in the appropriate programme / courses as prescribed by the Syndicate of the University from time to time.
2.3.4 Eligibility conditions for admission such as class obtained, number of attempts in qualifying examination and physical fitness will be as prescribed by the Syndicate of the University from time to time.
2.3.5 Candidates should satisfy other conditions regarding experience; Sponsorship etc. as prescribed by the Syndicate from time to time.
2.3.6 The admission for this programme will be done by "The Director (Admissions)", Anna University Tiruchirappalli.
2.3.7 Every semester, the candidate must forward the registration / enrollment form to the coordinator through the Head of the Institution, in which he / she is currently working.
2.3.8 The candidate has to register all the courses prescribed for the particular semester. Cancellation of registration is applicable only when the request is made within two weeks from the time of admission / registration. Cancellation and refund of fee will be carried out as per the rules of Anna University Tiruchirappalli.
2.3.9 The candidates admitted to this programme are deemed to be the students of Anna University Tiruchirappalli.
2.3.10 Students admitted under this programme are governed by the Regulations in force.
3.1 The minimum and maximum period for completion of this P.G. Degree Programme is 6 semesters and 14 semesters respectively.
3.2 The P.G. Programme will consist of
■ core courses
■ elective courses
■ project work
The Programme will also include projects / seminars / practicals / practical training, if they are specified in the Curriculum.
3.3 The Curriculum and Syllabi of this P.G. Programme shall be approved by the Board of Studies, Anna University Tiruchirappalli.
3.4 The number of credits to be earned for the successful completion of the programme shall be as specified in the Curriculum.
3.5 Sequence of Faculty Development Programmes will be conducted for all the courses offered in the semester as per the pre-determined schedule.
3.6 The electives from the curriculum are to be chosen with the approval of the Course Coordinator and Coordinator.
3.7 Project work
3.7.1 Project work shall be carried out under the supervision of a qualified teacher in the concerned department or prescribed by the Coordinator.
3.7.2 A candidate may, however, in certain cases be permitted to work on the project in an Industrial / Research Organization on the recommendation of the Coordinator. In such cases, supervisor of the department and an expert from Industry / Research organization shall jointly supervise the Project work and the candidate shall be instructed to meet the supervisor periodically and to attend the review committee meetings for evaluating the progress.
3.7.3 The Project work of the programme during Phase-I shall be evaluated through continuous assessment and viva-voce at the end of Phase-I.
3.7.4 The Project work (Phase-II) shall be pursued for a minimum of 16 weeks during the final semester.
3.7.5 Two project review meetings shall be conducted and projects are to be evaluated by a three-member project committee constituted by the Coordinator. The report on evaluation shall be sent periodically to the Coordinator.
3.7.6 The evaluation of the Project work will be based on the project report and a viva-voce Examination by a team consisting of the Supervisor, a common Internal Examiner and a common External Examiner. The weightage will be 50% for internal assessment, 20% for project report and 30% for the viva-voce examination.
3.7.7 The project report shall be prepared according to the guidelines approved by Anna University Tiruchirappalli, duly signed by the supervisor(s) and shall be submitted to the Coordinator.
3.7.8 If a candidate fails to submit the project report on or before the specified deadline, he / she is deemed to have failed in the Project Work and shall re-enroll the same in a subsequent semester. This applies to both Phase-I and Phase-II.
3.7.9 A candidate who has acquired the minimum number of total credits prescribed in the Curriculum for the award of the Masters Degree will not be permitted to enroll for more courses to improve his / her cumulative grade point average.
3.7.10 The medium of instruction, examination, seminar and project / thesis / dissertation reports will be in English.
The Coordinator helps the students in pursuing their courses of study and provides general advices on the academic programmes. The Coordinator shall periodically monitor the courses taken by the students, check the attendance and progress of the students.
Each common theory course offered shall have a "Course Coordinator" among all the teachers teaching the common theory course. The Course Coordinator shall be nominated by the Coordinator.
6.1 A class committee, consisting of Course Coordinators, Student representative and a Chairperson who is not teaching the class, is constituted by the Coordinator. The Coordinator may participate in the class committee.
The functions of the class committee include
• Resolving academic issues experienced by students in the class room and in the laboratories.
• Clarifying the regulations of the degree programme and the details of rules therein.
• Informing the student representatives the academic schedule including the number of assessments, their schedules and the syllabus coverage for each assessment.
• Informing the student representatives the details of regulations regarding the weightage used for each assessment. In the case of practical courses (Laboratory / project work / seminar etc.) the breakup of marks for each experiment / exercise / module of work, should be clearly discussed in the class committee meeting and informed to the students.
• Analyzing the performance of the students of the class after each test and finding the ways and means of solving problems, if any.
6.2 The Coordinator is required to prepare the minutes of every meeting within two days of the meeting and arrange to circulate among the concerned students and teachers.
6.3 The first meeting of the class committee shall be held within one week from the date of commencement of the semester, in order to inform the students about the nature and weightage of assessments within the framework of the Regulations. Two or three subsequent meetings may be held at suitable intervals. During these meetings the student members representing the entire class, shall meaningfully interact and express the opinions and suggestions of the class students to improve the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process.
7.1 Every teacher is required to maintain 'ATTENDANCE AND ASSESSMENT RECORD' which consists of attendance marked in each lecture or practical or project work class, the test marks and the record of class work (topic covered), separately for each course. This should be submitted to the Coordinator periodically for checking the syllabus coverage and the records of test marks and attendance. The coordinator shall put his signature and date after due verification. The Coordinator will keep this document in safe custody (for five years). The University or any inspection team appointed by the University may scrutinize the records of attendance and assessment of both current and previous semesters.
Theory Courses
Two tests each carrying 100 marks shall be conducted, the total marks obtained in both tests put together, shall be reduced to 20 marks and rounded to the nearest integer.
7.3 Practical Courses
Every practical exercise / experiment shall be evaluated based on conduct of experiment / exercise and records maintained. There shall be at least one mid-semester test. The criteria for arriving at the internal assessment marks shall be decided by the Coordinator / Course Coordinator and shall be announced at the beginning of every semester.
7.4 Theory Courses with Laboratory Component
If there is a theory course with Laboratory component, the mode of assessment will be decided by the Coordinator / Course Coordinator in consultation with the Coordinator.
7.5 The maximum marks for each theory course shall be 100 comprising of 20 marks for internal assessment and 80 marks for the end-semester examination. The maximum marks for each practical course shall be 100 comprising of 20 marks for internal assessment and 80 marks for end-semester examination.
7.6 Project Work
There shall be two assessments (each 100 marks) during the semester by a review committee. The student shall make presentation on the progress made before the committee. The Coordinator shall constitute the review committee. The total marks obtained in the assessments shall be reduced to 50 marks and rounded to the nearest integer. This procedure applies to both Phase-I and Phase-II of Project work.
8.1 A candidate is permitted to enroll the project work if he / she has earned the minimum number of 27 credits.
8.2 If the candidate has not earned the requisite minimum credits, he / she has to complete the arrears (at least to the extent of earning the minimum credits specified) and then enroll for the project work in the subsequent semester.
8.3 In case of candidates not completing Phase-I of project work successfully, the candidates can undertake Phase-I again in the next semester. In such cases, the candidates can enroll for Phase-II only after successful completion of Phase-I.
A candidate who has fulfilled the following conditions shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements for completion of a semester.
9.1 Every student is expected to attend all classes and secure 100% attendance. However, in order to allow for certain unavoidable reasons such as medical / personal, the student is expected to attend at least 90% of classes through FDP.
9.2 However, a candidate who could secure attendance between 75% and above and less than 90% in the current semester due to medical reasons (hospitalization / accident / specific illness) with prior permission from the Co-ordinator shall be given exemption from the prescribed attendance requirement and he / she shall be permitted to appear for the current semester examination.
9.3 Candidates who do not meet the above requirements will not be permitted to write the end-semester examination and are not permitted to go to next semester. They are required to repeat the incomplete semester in the next academic year.
A candidate shall normally be permitted to appear for the end-semester examination of the current semester if he / she has satisfied the semester completion requirements (vide Clause 9) and has enrolled for examination in all courses of that semester, as well as the arrears of the previous semesters.
The examinations shall normally be conducted between October and December during the odd semesters and between March and May in the even semesters.
11.1 There shall be one end-semester examination of 3 hours duration in each lecture based course and practical course.
11.2 The evaluation of the Project work will be based on the project report and a Viva-Voce Examination by a team consisting of the supervisor, a common internal examiner and an external examiner.
11.3 If a student indulges in any malpractice during tests / examinations, the student shall be liable for punitive action as prescribed by the University from time to time.
11.4 For practical examinations (including project work) both internal and external examiners shall be appointed by the Controller of Examinations.
12.1 A Candidate who secures the letter grade other than 'U', 'I' and W in the course(s) shall be declared to have passed in the course(s).
12.1.1 If a candidate fails to secure a pass in a particular course it is mandatory that he / she shall register and reappear for the examination in that course during the next semester when examination is conducted in that course; he / she should continue to register and reappear for the examination till he / she secures a pass. However, the internal assessment marks obtained by the candidate in the first attempt shall be retained and considered valid for all subsequent appearances.
12.1.2 Candidates who had failed and earned poor internal assessment marks in a course, may be permitted, if they make a request to the Coordinator to enroll, on payment of prescribed fees, and re-do such a course along with the regular class of juniors, as and when it is offered to juniors. The fresh internal assessment marks so earned will only be taken for all subsequent semester examinations. Candidates have to secure a minimum attendance of 90% course wise, while redoing; otherwise redoing of the course will become invalid.
The following will be the weightages for different courses.
i) Lecture or Lecture cum Tutorial based course Internal Assessments Semester Examination
ii) Laboratory based courses Internal Assessment Semester Examination
20% 80%
iii) Project work
Internal Assessment 50%
Evaluation of Project Report By external examiner
Viva-Voce Examination
- 30%
14.1 All assessments of a course will be done on absolute marks basis. However, for the purpose of reporting the performance of a candidate, letter grades, each carrying certain points, will be awarded as per the range of total marks (out of 100) obtained by the candidate, as detailed below:
Letter grade Grade Points Range of Marks
S 10 90 - 100
A 9 80 - 89
B 8 70 - 79
C 7 60 - 69
D 6 56 - 59
E 5 50 - 55
U 0 < 50
I 0
W 0
The range of marks shall be slightly modified if required as per the class committee recommendations, however, the letter grade 'S' is fixed for the marks range 90 - 100.
The letter grade
"U" denotes failure in the course.
"I" denotes incomplete as per clause 10 and hence prevented from writing semester examination.
"W" denotes withdrawal from the course.
After the declaration of results, Grade Sheets will be issued to each student, which will contain the following details:
The list of courses enrolled during the semester and the grade scored. The Grade Point Average (GPA) for the semester and the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of all courses enrolled from first semester onwards.
GPA is the ratio of the sum of the products of the number of credits of courses enrolled and the points corresponding to the grades scored in those courses, taken for all the courses, to the sum of the number of credits of all the courses in the semester.
Sum of [C * GP]
GPA = _
Sum of C
CGPA will be calculated in a similar manner, considering all the courses enrolled from first semester. "U", "I" and "W" grades will be excluded for calculating GPA and CGPA.
14.2 Whenever regular students are not there and only arrears students take up the examinations, the letter grades will be awarded based on the range of marks used in the immediately preceding end-semester examinations.
15.1 A candidate shall be declared to be eligible for the award of the Degree if he / she has
o Successfully acquired the required credits as specified in the Curriculum corresponding to this programme within the stipulated time.
o No disciplinary action is pending against him / her.
15.2 The Syndicate must approve the award of the degree.
16.1 A candidate who qualifies for the award of the Degree (vide clause 15) having passed the examination in all the courses in his / her first appearance within the specified minimum number of semesters securing a CGPA of not less than 8.50 shall be declared to have passed the examination in First Class with Distinction. For this purpose the withdrawal from examination (vide clause 17) will not be construed as an appearance. Further, the authorized break of study (vide clause18) will not be counted for the purpose of classification.
16.2 A candidate who qualifies for the award of the Degree (vide clause 15) having passed the examination in all the courses within the specified minimum number of semesters plus one year (two semesters), securing a CGPA of not less than 6.50 shall be declared to have passed the examination in First Class. For this purpose the authorized break of study (vide clause 18) will not be counted for the purpose of classification.
16.3 All other candidates (not covered in clauses 16.1 and 16.2) who qualify for the award of the degree (vide Clause 15) shall be declared to have passed the examination in Second Class.
16.4 A candidate who is absent in semester examination in a course / project work after having enrolled for the same shall be considered to have appeared in that examination for the purpose of classification.
16.5 A candidate can apply for revaluation of his / her semester examination answer paper in a theory course, within 2 weeks from the declaration of results, on payment of a prescribed fee through proper application to the Controller of Examinations through the Co-ordinator. The Controller of Examinations will arrange for the revaluation and the results will be intimated to the candidate concerned through the Co-ordinator. Revaluation is not permitted for practical courses, and project work.
A candidate may, for valid medical reasons, be granted permission to withdraw from appearing for any course or courses of only one semester examination during the entire duration of the degree programme. Also only one application for withdrawal is permitted for that semester examination in which withdrawal is sought.
Withdrawal of application for examination shall be valid only if the candidate is otherwise eligible to write the examination and if it is made within the prescribed number of days prior to the commencement of the examination in that course or courses and also recommended by the Coordinator.
Withdrawal shall not be construed as an appearance for the eligibility of a candidate for First Class with Distinction.
18.1 A candidate is not normally permitted to temporarily break the study. However if a candidate intends to temporarily discontinue the programme in the middle for valid reasons and to rejoin the programme in a later semester, he / she shall apply to the Coordinator of this programme in advance, in any case, not later than the last date for enrolling for the semester examinations of the semester, through the Coordinator, stating the reasons therefore.
18.2 The candidate permitted to rejoin the programme after the break shall be governed by the rules and regulations in force at the time of rejoining.
18.3 The authorized break of study will not be counted for the duration specified for passing all the courses for the purpose of classification vide Clause 16.1 and 16.2.
18.4 The total period for completion of the programme reckoned from the commencement of the first semester to which the candidate was admitted shall not exceed the maximum period specified in Clause 3 irrespective of the period of break of study in order that he / she may be eligible for the award of the degree (vide Clause 15).
18.5 If any student is detained for want of requisite attendance, progress and good conduct, the period spent in that semester shall not be considered as permitted 'Break of Study' and Clause 18.3 is not applicable for this case.
Every candidate is required to observe disciplined and decorous behavior both inside and outside the University and not to indulge in any activity which will tend to bring down the prestige of the University. In the event of an act of indiscipline being reported, the Coordinator of this programme shall constitute a disciplinary committee consisting of senior faculty to inquire into the acts of indiscipline and recommend suitable disciplinary action for approval and implementation.
The University may from time to time revise, amend or change the Regulations, scheme of examinations and syllabi, if found necessary.
T A B L E - 1
1 M.E. ( Structural Engineering) B.E. / B.Tech. in Civil Engineering
2 M.E. ( Thermal Engineering) B.E. / B.Tech ( Mech / Production / Auto / Metallurgical / Aeronautical / Mechatronics / Marine / Industrial / Manufacturing)
3 M.E. ( Power Systems Engineering) B.E. / B.Tech (EEE / I&C)
4 M.E. (Embedded System Technologies) B.E. (EEE / ECE / CSE / IT / I & C / E & I) B.Tech (IT / Electronics / Instrumentation)
5 M.E. (Applied Electronics) B.E. / B.Tech. (EEE / ECE / E&I / Electronics / Instrumentation)
6 M.E. ( Communication Systems) B.E. / B.Tech (ECE / Electronics / E & I)
7 M.E. (Computer Science and Engineering ) B.E. / B.Tech. ( EEE / ECE / Electronics / CSE / E & I / I & C / Instrumentation / IT)
M.Sc. (2years / 5years) Software / IT / Computer Technology / CS / Computer Electronics
8 M.E. (Software Engineering) B.E. / B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering / IT)
9 M.E. (Systems Engineering and Operations Research) B.E. / B.Tech. (Any branch)
M.Sc (Maths, Physics, Statistics / CS / IT / Software Engineering)
10 M.E. (Aeronautical Engineering) B.E. / B.Tech. (Aeronautical / Mechanical / Civil / Mechatronics)

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